IMS and High Mobility partner to combine
OEM data and app-based driver data
for Europe and UK-based auto insurers

IMS (Insurance & Mobility Solutions), the leading global vehicle and driving data business, has signed a pan-European strategic partnership with leading automotive OEM data provider, High Mobility.

The partnership comes as interest in OEM embedded telematics surges among UK and European insurers, in particular how new data points can deliver additional benefit for risk profiling and claims analytics when combined with existing data streams from aftermarket telemetry, such as smartphone-as-a-sensor.

IMS CEO Paul Stacy said: “Looking ahead, we want to help insurers understand how some of the unique data points that are available from OEM-embedded telemetry can throw new light on driver risk. For example, being able to monitor certain in-vehicle events and then correlate them with data collected through smartphone will create powerful new risk factors which have, until now, been unavailable. Blending telematics data derived from different sensor types in this way opens up new horizons.”

Read the full IMS and High Mobility release >



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